I want to thank you for taking the time to learn more about Sunrise Community Church by visiting our web site. It is my hope that the information found on our site might answer some of your questions about who we are and what we are all about. I also hope that you will accept my invitation to contact us if you have further questions and to join us sometime for a Sunday morning Worship Gathering. We would love to get to know you.
By way of introduction, allow me to share with you briefly about the one thing that we seek to keep central in our life together, namely, the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Gospel literally means "good news"). We are a community of people who are learning to rest in the good news that Jesus Christ came to announce to us and effect for us. That good news is the announcement that God's love for people and his acceptance of people does not depend on our goodness or on our performance for Him. Rather, the good news is that simply through repentance and faith in Jesus, we freely receive the gift of Jesus' perfect righteousness, and Jesus gladly takes our place and bears the judgment that we rightfully deserve. Christianity is not about God making bad people good but about God making spiritually dead people alive through the work of Jesus Christ, and all because of his amazing grace and love.
It is this message that stands at the centre of who we are and what we are all about. We are striving to let this Gospel message, this good news, shape our lives as individuals, as families, and as a community. We believe there is no greater purpose to be found or joy to be experienced than that which is found living fully for Jesus Christ who passionately loves us.
If you are already a follower of Jesus and are looking for a community of other followers with whom to journey, we would love to have you consider journeying together with us. Or perhaps you are someone who has not yet trusted Jesus and become his follower but you are intrigued by him and would like to further investigate both his life and his claims. We would be delighted to have you come and do that among us. It would be a great privilege to journey with you wherever you are at in relationship to Jesus.
As you will see on the site, there are various ministries and events that shape our life as a community. If you are interested in any of them or have further questions about any of them or about Sunrise in general, please do not hesitate to contact me.
May Jesus Christ bless you.
Pastor Dennis